Soccer program

soccer players huddle in ground | SELECT GENERATION ACADEMY
soccer players in ground | SELECT GENERATION ACADEMY
soccer players celebrating | SELECT GENERATION ACADEMY

Program Goals

SGFC's goal is to develop players to their fullest potential at an elite level, so after their time with us they go on to an even higher level.

We want each player to maximize their talent and potential during their time with us. We will encourage them to step out of their comfort zone - tactically, technically, nutritionally and psychologically - to improve their all-round game.
Our coaches are UEFA B qualified which means they are FA (Football Association) and UEFA endorsed, following the established “4 corner” model used by professional clubs to develop players.
The opportunity to play weekly games for the Men’s team as well as the u23 Development team, means players will be part of a unique development programme.
Playing in England gives the Select Generation players an opportunity to participate in a national league system of over 7,000 teams, coordinated by the Football Association, with promotion available to the best teams in each league every year.
The Select Generation coaching team have personally gone through similar playing experiences and will manage each player to ensure they are nurtured through their playing time and recovery afterwards.


Practice and Compete Against English Clubs

Access to Soccer Training Facilities

Physical Therapist

Gym Pass

Video Analysis

Athletic Testing

Opportunities to Watch Professional Games

Playing Insurance

Meal Plan Option

Accommodation (Individual Room)

Soccer player shaking hands in ground | select generation FC

Injury Prevention Trainer

Full Kit and Leisure Wear

Bus Pass - For Training, to College/University and Local Region

Transportation to Games

Air Port Shuttle Service

Support for the Next Step After The Programmed (e.g. Pro Club or NCAA University)

Individual Player Evaluation

Tourist Visits

UEFA Qualified Coaches

of Promotion and Relegation

Over 6M men play football regularly in England. Around 200,000 play in competitive leagues (Sunday League and above). Select Generation will be in the top 25% of those clubs playing competitively. We are aiming for promotion.
Premier League
24 clubs
League 1
24 clubs
League 2
24 clubs
Step 1 – National League
24 clubs
Step 2- 5 Semi-Pro leagues 592 clubs
Step 6-8 Development Amateur Leagues c2500 clubs
Select Generation FC
Sunday League – Local Amateur Leagues
C6500 clubs
Social Amateur
c. 6 million players
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Student accommodation with studios and ensuite rooms in shared flats depending on your choice of study options when coming to Bournemouth. Players have a meal plan option included with their scholarship, all players with have their own individual room.
select generation FC accomodation UKselect generation FC accomodation UKselect generation FC accomodation UKselect generation FC accomodation UK

Outdoor facilities

Chapel Gate is home to over 20 outdoor sports pitches.

Football pitches

Chapel Gate’s 22 grass football pitches cater for all football games (junior, men’s and women’s) and include seven full-size football pitches.

Elite soccer players | select generation FC UK
Elite soccer players | select generation FC UK

Example Schedule

8-9 amBreakfastBreakfastBreakfastBreakfastBreakfastBreakfast 
9-10 amGo to Practice & Video analysisSpeech by a professional/ Nutritionist/ PsychologistGo for a walk & StretchingGo to Practice & StretchingGo to Practice & Video analysisGo for a walk & StretchingBreakfast
10-12 pmPracticeHomeworkClassesGym & PracticeInjury prevention & PracticeFree TimeFree Time
12 -1 pmBack to Residence & ShowerFree TimeBack to Residence & ShowerBack to Residence & ShowerBack to Residence & ShowerLunchLunch
1-2 pmLunchLunchLunchLunchLunchFree TimeFree Time
2-3 pmFree TimeFree TimeFree TimeFree TimeFree TimePre-GameFree Time
3-8 pmClassesClassesU23 MatchClassesClassesLeague GameWatch Soccer
8-9 pmDinnerDinnerDinnerDinnerDinnerLeisureDinner
9–11 pmFree time & SleepFree time & SleepFree time & SleepFree time & SleepFree time & SleepFree time & SleepFree time & Sleep
* Class times will depend on the academic course selected, we will schedule practices around class schedules. Lectures and being in the classroom is the priority. Exact schedule will be made once timetables are released in June.